Common Salt Spray Test Standards
What are the most common Salt Spray Test Standards?
- ASTM B117 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
- Daimler Chrysler LP-463-PB-10-01 Salt Spray Test
- Ford Motor Company BI 103-01 Salt Spray Resistance Test for Painted Panels and Parts
- General Motors GM4298P Salt Spray Test
- DIN 50021 Salt spray testing
- Nissan M0140 Salt spray testing
- Toyota TSH1552G Test Method of Salt Spray
- Honda HES 6501 Salt spray test
- ISO 9227 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres
- Magnesium Chloride
- Calcium Chloride
JOEO salt spray corrosion chamber is capable of providing Modified Salt Spray (Fog) Testing per ASTM G85 for all five (5) of the modified salt spray annexes listed below:
- Annex A1, Acetic Acid Salt Spray test, continuous (AASS)
- Annex A2, Cyclic Acidified Salt Spray test
- Annex A3, Seawater Acidified Test, cyclic (SWAAT)
- Annex A4, SO2 Salt Spray test, cyclic
- Annex A5, Dilute Electrolyte Cyclic Fog Dry test (Prohesion)
- ASTM D1654 Scribing and scribe creep evaluation
- ASTM D610 Degree of rusting
- ASTM D714 Degree of paint blistering

- IEC PAS 62183:2000 Salt spray
- IEC 61701:1995 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic modules
- IEC 61701:2020 Salt spray corrosion test for Photovoltaic modules
- IEC 61701:2011 salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic modules
- IEC 60068-2-11: Environmental tests - Part 2-11: Test test KA: salt spray
- IEC 60068-2-11:1981/COR1:1999 Basic environmental test procedure. Part 2: Testing. Test KA: Salt spray
- IEC 60068-2-11:1981 Basic environmental test procedure - Part 2-11: Test test KA: salt spray
- IEC 60068-2-52:1996/COR1:1996 Environmental testing. Part 2. Testing. Test KB: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- IEC 60068-2-52:1996 Environmental tests - Part 2-52: Test tests KB: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- IEC 60068-2-52:2017 RLV environmental tests - Part 2-52: Test tests KB: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- IEC 60068-2-52:2017 Environmental tests. Part 2-52: Testing. Test KB: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)

- GM GM4298P-1997 Salt spray test
- GM GM9731P-1988 Chemical analysis of salt spray solutions
- GM GM4476P-1997 CASS test Copper - accelerated acetate salt spray test (fog)
- GM4298P-2010 salt spray test phase 16; Do not use it on new programs; Replace it with GMW3286

- GM 9981421-1978 Salt spray corrosion test lubricating oil
- GM 9984016-1991 Phosphate spray

- GMKOREA EDS-T-7932-2011 Test method for salt spray on paint coatings

- IPC TM-650 3.9A-1975 Salt Spray connector

- SIS 18 41 90-1973 Paint. Salt spray test
- SIS SEN 43 16 10-1971 Environmental testing. Salt spray test KA
- SIS SS 18 41 90-1986 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- SIS SS-ISO 3769:1979 Metallic coatings. Copper accelerated acetate spray test (CASS test)
- SIS SS-ISO 3770:1979 Metallic coatings. Copper accelerated acetate spray test (CASS test)

- JIS Z 2371:1994 salt spray test method
- JIS Z 2371:2000 salt spray test method
- JIS Z 2371:2015 salt spray test method
- JIS C 8930:2017 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- JIS K 7227:1998 Plastic products. Measurement of dampness-heat irradiation, water mist and salt spray irradiation effect
- JIS C 60068-2-11:1989 Basic environmental test procedure. Part 2: Testing. Test KA: Salt spray
- JIS C 60068-2-52:2000 Environmental tests. Part 2: Testing. Test KB: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)

- FORD FLTM EU-BQ 005-2-2000 Fastener salt spray test
- FORD FLTM EU-BQ 005-02-2000 Salt spray test for fasteners
- FORD ESA-M21P24-A1-1991 96H salt spray solid film lubricant anti-corrosion coating
- FORD WSS-M21P33-A-1997 96 H Salt spray solid film lubricant anti-corrosion coating
- FORD ESA-M21P24-A2-1991 500 H salt spray solid film lubricant anti-corrosion coating. Listed on standard ESA-M21P24-A1
- FORD ESA-M21P24-A1-2011 Corrosion resistant coating, solid film lubricant 96h Salt spray *** Used with Ford WSS-M99P1111-A***
- FORD FLTM BQ 105-1-2000 Copper Accelerated acetic Acid salt Spray Test (CASS test) (substitute FLTM BQ 005-01, FLTM EU-BQ 005-01)
- FORD ESA-M21P24-A2-2015 Corrosion resistant coating, solid film lubricant 500 hours salt spray *** for Ford WSS M99P1111 A***
- FORD FLTM BI 103-1-2001 Salt Spray resistance test for painted panels and components (substitute FLTM BI 003-01, FLTM EU-BI 003-01)
- FORD FLTM BI 103-01-2001 Salt spray resistance for painted siding and components; Replace FLTM BI 003-01,FLTM EU-BI 003-01
- FORD WSK-M2P140-A3-2008 Coating Properties, wheels,480h salt spray (used with FORD WSS-M99P1111-A) on file WSK-M2P140-A1

- ANSI/SCTE 143-2013 Test methods for salt spray
- ANSI/EIA 364-26B:1999 Electrical connectors. Salt spray corrosion test procedures
- ANSI/TIA-455-16A-2000 Salt spray (corrosion) test for fiber optics
- ANSI/TIA-455-16-A-2000 Salt spray (corrosion) test for fiber optics

- NASM1312-1-1997 Fastener test method; Method One salt spray

- IPC TM-650 3.9-1975 Connector Salt Spray Revision A July 1975

- TIA-455-16A-1991 FOTP-16. Salt spray (corrosion) testing of optical fiber components

- AIA NASM1312-1-1997 Fastener Test Method; Method 1 Salt spray FSC 53GP

- GME 60207-2007 Copper chlorine-acetate Spray Test (CASS) (English/German)
- GME GMI 60206-2009 - Determination of resistance to salt spray corrosion of Vehicle components (English/German)
- GME B 040 0208-2003 Borate spray cleaner

- ECA 186-5E-1978 Passive electronic component testing. Method 5: Salt spray corrosion

- SAE USCAR1-1-2005 Salt spray test and evaluation of fastener surface treatments
- SAE USCAR1-3-2022 Salt spray test and evaluation of fastener surface treatments

- GMW 3286-2011 Neutral salt spray (NSS) test. Second publication (English version)

- ECA 364-26B-1999 TP-26B Salt spray test procedure for electrical connectors, contacts and receptacles
- EIA_ECA-364-26B-1999 TP-26B Salt spray test procedure for electrical connectors, contacts and receptacles
- ECA EIA-364-26C-2014 TP-26C Salt spray test procedure for electrical connectors, contacts and sockets
- ECA EIA/ECA-364-26B-1999 TP-26B electrical connectors, connectors and receptacles salt spray test procedure

- EIA RS-186-5E-1978 Standard test method for Passive Electronic components Method 5: Salt spray (corrosion)

- ASTM B117-73(1979) Standard Method for salt spray testing
- ASTM B117-64 Standard method for salt spray testing
- ASTM B117-90 Standard test method for salt spray tests
- ASTM B117-11 Standard Practice for salt spray (smoke) installations
- ASTM B117-18 Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray (fog) installations
- ASTM B117-02 Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray (fog) installations
- ASTM B117-07a Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray (fog) installations
- ASTM B117-97 Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray (fog) installations
- ASTM B117-19 Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray (fog) installations
- ASTM D2059/D2059M-03(2022) Standard test method for salt spray resistance of zippers
- ASTM G85-19 Standard Practice for Improved salt spray testing
- ASTM B117-16 Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray installations
- ASTM B117-07 Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray equipment
- ASTM D2059/D2059M-03(2014) Standard Test Method for salt spray (fog) Resistance of zippers
- ASTM D2059-03 Standard test method for Resistance of zippers to salt spray (fog)
- ASTM D2059/D2059M-03(2009) Standard Test method for Resistance of zippers to salt spray (fog)
- ASTM D2059-87(1997) Standard test method for salt spray Resistance of zippers
- ASTM B117-03 Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray spray devices
- ASTM B117-09 Standard Practice for the Operation of salt spray spray devices
- ASTM B368-97 Standard Method for Copper Accelerated Acetate Salt Spray Test (CASS test)
- ASTM B368-09 Standard test Method for Copper Accelerated Acetate Salt Spray Test (CASS test)
- ASTM G85-98 Modified salt spray (atomization) test

- EN IEC 6171:2020 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- EN 6171:2012 Salt spray corrosion tests for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- EN IEC 60068-2-11:21 Environmental tests-Part 2-11: Test test KA: salt spray
- HD 323.2.11S1-1985 Basic environmental test procedure. Part 2: Testing. Test KA: Salt spray
- HD 323.2.11-1988 Basic environmental test procedure. Part 2: Testing. Test KA: Salt spray
- EN IEC 60068-2-52:2018 Environmental tests - Part 2: Test tests KB: salt spray cycle (sodium chloride solution)
- EN 60068-2-11:1999 Environmental tests. Part 2: Testing. Test KA: Salt spray IEC 60068.2.11-1981; Replace HD 323.2.11 S1:1988

- EN ISO 9227:2022 Artificial atmospheric corrosion tests. Salt spray test
- EN ISO 9227:2012 Artificial atmospheric corrosion tests. Salt spray test
- EN ISO 4611:1999 Plastics - Effects of exposure, moisture and heat, water spray and salt spray
- EN ISO 4611:2010 Plastics - Effects of exposure, moisture and heat, water spray and salt spray
- EN ISO 9227:2017 Corrosion tests in artificial environments - salt spray tests (ISO 9227:2017)
- EN 14147:2003 Natural stone test methods. Determination of aging resistance to salt spray
- EN ISO 4611:2008 Plastics. Determination of the effects of exposure to heat, moisture, splashing and salt spray
- EN 4057-301:2005 Test method for turns of conductors and cables. Part 301: Salt spray test
- EN 13523-8:2010 Test methods for metals coated on coils. Part 8: Salt spray resistance
- EN 3027:1994 Aerospace series. Test method for dry film lubrication. Salt spray test
- EN 13523-8:2017 Test methods for metals coated on coils. Part 8: Salt spray resistance
- EN 13523-8:2002 Test method for coated metal coils. Part 8: Resistance to salt spray (fog test)
- EN 2591-307:1998 Aerospace series. Test methods for photoelectric connecting elements. Part 307: Salt spray

- AECMA PREN 4437-1997 Aerospace Series. Test methods for metallic materials Salt spray test
- AECMA PREN 2591-C7-1992 Aerospace series. Test method for photoelectric connection elements Part C7: salt spray test

- ASD-STAN PREN 3027-1992 Aerospace series. Test methods for salt spray testing of dry film lubricants; The first edition

- CGSB 1-GP-71 METH 129.4-1979 Test method for paints and pigments. Salt spray resistance of baking paint
- CGSB 1-GP-71 METH 129.1-1979 Test methods for paints and pigments. General procedure for corrosion resistance of salt spray
- CGSB 1-GP-71 METH 129.2-1979 Test methods for paints and pigments. Corrosion resistance of salt spray on the surface of sandblasted steel plate
- CGSB 1-GP-71 METH 129.3-1979 Test methods for paints and pigments. Corrosion resistance of salt spray on the surface of phosphate clad steel plate

- AS 60068.2.11:2003 Environmental tests. Experiment. Test KA: Salt spray
- AS/NZS 61701:2023 Salt Spray Corrosion Test for photovoltaic (PV) modules (IEC 6171:2020 (ED.3.0) MOD)
- AS 60068.2.11:2023 Environmental tests-Part 2.11: Test test KA: salt spray (IEC 60068-2-11:21st (ED.4.0) MOD)

- DIN EN ISO 9227:2023-03 Corrosion testing in artificial atmospheres Salt spray testing
- DIN EN 60068-2-11:2000 Environmental tests. Part 2: Testing. Test Ka: Salt spray
- DIN EN ISO 9227:2006 Artificial atmospheric corrosion tests. Salt spray test (ISO 9227:2006)
- DIN EN 14147:2004 Natural stone test methods. Determination of resistance to aging by salt spray
- DIN EN 13523-8:2023-08 Metal coatings on coil materials - Test methods - Part 8: Resistance to salt spray (fog)
- EN 13523-8:2017-10 Metal coatings on coil materials - Test methods - Part 8: Resistance to salt spray (fog)
- DIN EN 13523-8:2017 Metal test methods for coatings on coil materials - Part 8: Resistance to salt spray (fog)
- DIN EN 3027:1994 Aerospace. Test method for dry film lubrication. Salt spray test
- DIN EN ISO 9227:2023 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray tests (ISO 9227:2022)
- DIN EN ISO 4611:2011-04 Plastics - Determination of the effects of exposure to moisture and heat, water spray and salt spray
- DIN EN ISO 4611:2009 Plastics. Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, splashing water and salt spray
- DIN EN 3027:1994-04 Space Series; Test methods for dry film lubricants; Salt spray test
- ISO 9022-4:2015-06 Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 4: Salt spray
- DIN ISO 9022-4:2003 Optics and optical instruments. Environmental test methods - Part 4: salt spray
- DIN EN 4057-301:2008 Aerospace Series. Wire and cable turns - Part 301: salt spray test
- DIN EN 60749-13:2003 Semiconductor devices. Mechanical and climatic test methods. Part 13: Salt spray
- DIN EN IEC 61810-7-44:2022-10 All or none relay test and measurement - Part 7-44: Salt spray
- DIN EN 61701:2012 Salt spray corrosion tests for photovoltaic (PV) modules (IEC 61701-2011); German version EN 61701-2012
- DIN EN 60068-2-52:1996 Environmental tests. Part 2: Testing. Test Kb: Salt spray cycle (sodium chloride solution)
- DIN ISO 9022-4:2015 Optics and photonics. Environmental test methods - Part 4: Salt spray (ISO 9022-4-2014)
- DIN EN 4057-301:2008-02 Aerospace series - Cable ties and harnesses - Test methods - Part 301: salt spray test
- DIN EN ISO 9227:2012 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres. Salt spray testing (ISO 9227-2012); German version EN ISO 9227-2012
- DIN EN ISO 9227:2017 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray tests (ISO 9227:2017); German version EN ISO 9227:2017
- DIN EN ISO 11997-1:20018-01 - Determination of conditions of resistance to cyclic corrosion of paints and varnishes - Part 1: wet (salt spray)/dry/wet
- DIN EN 2591-6307:2003 Aerospace Series. Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods. Part 6307: Optical elements. Salt spray
- DIN EN 2591-307:2012-10 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 307: Salt spray

- NF C57-106:2000 photoelectric module salt spray corrosion test
- NF C57-106*NF EN IEC 61701:2020 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- NF EN IEC 61701:2020 Photovoltaic (PV) modules - salt spray corrosion test
- NF A05-101:2012 Artificial atmospheric corrosion test. Salt spray test.
- NF C57-106*NF EN 61701:2012 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- NF A05-101:1991 Artificial atmospheric corrosion test. Salt spray test
- XP T47-813:2007 Rubber bearing resistance to salt spray determination
- NF A05-101:2007 Corrosion tests in man-made environments. Salt spray test
- NF A05-101*NF EN ISO 9227:2017 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray tests
- NF X41-002:1975 Protection of physical, chemical and biological agents. Salt spray test
- NF C20-711*NF EN 60068-2-11:1999 Environmental tests. Part 2: Test methods. KA test: Salt spray
- NF EN 13523-8:2017 Coil coated plates - Test methods - Part 8: Resistance to salt spray
- NF C20-711*NF EN IEC 60068-2-11:21 Environmental tests. Part 2-11: Test methods. KA test: Salt spray
- NF T51-162*NF EN ISO 4611:2011 Plastics. Determination of the effects of exposure to heat, moisture, water spray and salt spray.
- NF T37-001-8:2010 Plated disk metal. Test methods - Part 8: salt spray resistance test (dust mist)
- Aerospace series NF EN 3027:1994 - Test methods for solid lubricating films - Salt spray test
- NF B10-632:2004 Test method for natural stones. The aging resistance was measured by salt spray method
- NF L10-212*NF EN 3027:1994 Aerospace series. Test methods for dry film lubricants. Salt spray test
- Aerospace series NF EN 4057-301:2006 - Cable ties for wire harnesses - Test methods - Part 301: Salt spray
- NF L54-002-307*NF EN 2591-307:2013 Aerospace series -- Elements of electrical and optical connection -- Test methods -- Part 307: Salt spray
- NF C20-700-2-52 *NF EN IEC 60068-2-52:2018 Environmental tests-Part 2-52: Test tests-KB: Salt spray, circulation (sodium chloride solution)
- NF C96-022-13:2002 Semiconductor device. Mechanical and climatic test methods. Part 13: Salt spray environmental tests
- NF C20-752:1996 Environmental tests. Part 2: Testing. Test KB: Salt spray cycle (sodium chloride solution) test
- NF X41-004-1*NF EN ISO 11997-1:2017 - Determination of conditions of resistance to cyclic corrosion of paints and varnishes - Part 1: wet (salt spray)/dry/wet
- NF EN 2591-307:2013 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 307: Salt spray
- NF EN ISO 11997-1:2017 Paints and varnishes of colours - Determination of resistance to cyclic corrosion conditions - Part 1: Salt spray/drought/moisture
- NF EN IEC 60068-2-52:2015 Environmental tests - Part 2-52: Tests - Kb tests: salt spray, cyclic test (sodium chloride solution)

- BS EN 61701:2012 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) components
- BS EN IEC 61701:2020 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- BS EN IEC 60068-2-11:21 Environmental Test Test Test Ka: salt spray
- BS EN ISO 9227:2017 Artificial atmospheric corrosion tests. Salt spray test
- BS EN ISO 9227:2006 Artificial atmospheric corrosion test. Salt spray test
- BS EN ISO 9227:2012 Artificial atmospheric corrosion tests. Salt spray test
- BS EN 13523-8:2017 Test methods for coatings of metals on coils -- Resistance to salt spray (fog)
- BS ISO 9022-4:2014 Optics and photonics. Environmental test methods - Salt spray
- BS ISO 9022-4:2014+A1:2023 Environmental test methods for optics and photonics - Salt spray
- BS EN 3027:1994 Test method for dry film lubricants. Salt spray test
- BS EN ISO 9227:2022 Corrosion testing in artificial atmospheres Salt spray testing
- BS ISO 9022-4:2002 Optics and optical instruments. Environmental test methods - Salt spray
- BS EN 13523-8:2002 Sheet metal cladding. Test methods - salt spray resistance test
- BS EN 13523-8:2010 Sheet metal cladding. Test methods - salt spray resistance test
- BS EN 60068-2-11:1999 Environmental test Test Method Test KA Test salt spray
- BS ISO 9022-4:1995 Optics and optical instruments. Environmental test methods - Salt spray
- 18/30363016 DC BS EN IEC 61701 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- BS EN 14147:2003 Natural stone test methods. Determination of aging resistance to salt spray
- BS EN ISO 4611:2011 Plastics - Determination of exposure to moisture, heat, water spray and salt spray
- BS EN ISO 4611:2010 Plastics. Moisture heat, water spray and salt spray determination of exposure effect
- BS EN 4057-301:2005 Wire and cable turns. Test methods - Part 301: salt spray test
- BS EN 4057-301:2006 Test methods for turns of conductors and cables - Part 301: salt spray test
- BS EN 60749-13:2002 Semiconductor devices. Mechanical and climatic test methods. Salt spray atmosphere
- BS EN IEC 60749-13:2018 Semiconductor devices. Mechanical and climatic test methods. Salt spray atmosphere
- 22/30426887 DC BS EN ISO 9227 Corrosion testing in artificial atmospheres Salt spray testing
- BS EN IEC 60068-2-52:2018 Environmental Test Test Test Kb: Salt spray cycle (sodium chloride solution)
- BS EN 2591:6307:2001 Electrical and optical connection elements. Test methods - Optical elements. Salt spray
- BS EN 2591-6307:2001 Test methods for elements of electrical and optical connections-salt spray for optical elements
- BS 3G 100-2.3.8:1972 Specification for General Requirements for aircraft equipment. Various equipment. Environmental conditions. Salt spray
- BS EN ISO 4611:2008 Plastics. Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, water spray and salt spray
- BS EN 2591-307:2012 Aerospace Series. Electrical and optical connection elements. Test methods - Salt spray
- BS EN ISO 11997-1:2005 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to periodic corrosion conditions. Wet (salt spray)/ dry/wet
- BS EN ISO 11997-1:2017 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to periodic corrosion conditions. Wet (salt spray)/ dry/wet
- BS EN ISO 11997-2:2013 Paints and varnishes. Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance conditions. Wet (salt spray)/ dry/humidity /UV light
- BS EN 60512-11-6:2002 Connectors for electronic equipment. Tests and measurements. Climatic tests. Test 11f. Salt spray corrosion
- BS 7527-2.5:1991 Classification of Environmental conditions Environmental conditions occurring in nature Dust, sand, salt spray
- BS EN IEC 61300-2-26:23 Basic test and measurement procedures for optical fiber interconnection devices and passive components for the test of salt spray

- ISO 9227:2006 Corrosion tests for artificial air. Salt spray test
- ISO 9227:2012 Corrosion tests for artificial air. Salt spray test
- ISO 9227:2017 Corrosion tests for artificial air. Salt spray test
- ISO 3769:1976 Metallic coatings. Acetate spray test (ASS test)
- ISO 3768:1976 Metallic coatings. Neutral salt spray test (NSS test)
- ISO 7253:1984 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- ISO 9227:2022 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - salt spray tests
- ISO 4611:1987 Plastics - Determination of the effects of damp heat, water splash and salt spray
- ISO 9227:1990 Corrosion testing in man-made environments Salt spray testing
- ISO 7253:1996 Color paints and varnishes -- determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- ISO 4611:1980 Plastics. Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, water spray and salt spray
- ISO 3770:1976 Metallic coatings. Copper accelerated acetate salt spray test (CASS test)
- ISO 4611:2010 Plastics. Determination of the effects of exposure to moisture and heat, water spray and salt spray
- ISO 4611:2008 Plastics. Determination of effects of exposure to damp heat, splashing water and salt spray
- ISO 9227:2022/CD Amd 1:2012 Corrosion testing in artificial atmospheres Salt spray test Amendment 1
- ISO 9022-4:2002 Optics and optical instruments. Environmental test methods - Part 4: salt spray
- ISO 9022-4:1994 Optics and optical instruments. Environmental test methods - Part 4: salt spray
- ISO 9022-4:2014 Optics and photonics. Environmental test methods - Part 4: salt spray test
- ISO 9227:2022/DAmd 1:2023 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - salt spray tests - Amendment 1: Warning footnote
- ISO 9022-4:2014/Amd 1:2023 Optics and optical instruments. Environmental test methods - Part 4: salt spray modification 1
- ISO 11997-1:2017 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to cyclic corrosion conditions - Part 1: wet (salt spray)/dry/wet
- ISO 14993:2001 Accelerated testing of metals and alloys for cyclic corrosion exposure to salt spray, dry and wet conditions
- ISO 14993:2018 Corrosion of metals and alloys. Accelerated test of cyclic exposure to salt spray, dry and wet conditions

- STAS 6744-1974 Climate Protection. Salt spray test
- STAS 8393/6-1982 Environmental Test Procedure. Salt fog. Test Ka
- STAS 8393/29-1987 Environmental Test Procedure. Salt spray, cycle test Kb
- STAS SR ISO 7253:1995 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- STAS 11115/14-1992 Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment. Verse 14. Salt spray

- MSZ 8888/27-1985 Environmental testing. Circulating salt spray
- MSZ 8888/10.lap-1963 Climate-related tests, salt spray related tests

- PN C81523-1988 Paints and varnishes. Salt (fog) test
- PN-EN IEC 61701-2021-03 E Salt Spray Corrosion Test for Photovoltaic (PV) Modules (IEC 61701:2020)

- SANS 5991:2004 Specification for salt spray testing of wood samples

- GOST R IEC 61701-2013 Photovoltaic module. Salt spray corrosion test
- GOST R 54182-2010 Glass and glass products. Salt spray test
- GOST 32999-2014 Glass and glassware. Test method for salt spray protection
- GOST 33362-2015 Plastics. Test method for resistance to exposure to damp heat, water splash and salt spray
- GOST 9.719-1994 ЕC3KC. Polymeric materials. Aging test method under damp heat, water spray and salt spray
- GOST 28207-1989 Main test methods influenced by external factors. Part 2. Testing. Test KA. Salt spray

- KS D ISO 9227-2003 Corrosion artificial atmosphere-salt spray test
- KS M ISO 7253-2007 Color paints and varnishes -- determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- KS C IEC 60068-2-11-2022 Environmental tests - Part 2-11: Test Ka: salt spray
- KS B ISO 9022-4-2018 Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 4: Salt spray
- KS B ISO 9022-4-23 Environmental test methods for optics and photonics - Part 4: Salt spray
- KS C IEC 60068-2-52-2022 Environmental tests - Part 2-52: Tests Kb: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- KS C IEC 60068-2-52-2021 Environmental tests. Part 2: Testing. Test Kb: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- KS M ISO 11997-1-2021 Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance of paints and varnishes - Part 1: wet (salt spray)/dry/wet

- IRAM 121-1957 Test coating test for exposure to salt spray

- UNE-EN IEC 61701:2021 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- UNE-EN IEC 60068-2-11:2021 Environmental tests-Part 2-11: Test test Ka: salt spray
- UNE-EN ISO 9227:2023 Corrosion testing in artificial atmospheres Salt spray testing (ISO 9227:2022)
- UNE-EN 4057-301:2005 Aerospace series - Cable ties and harnesses - Test methods - Part 301: Salt spray test
- UNE-EN 60068-2-52:2018 Environmental tests-Part 2-52: Test test Kb: Salt spray cycle (sodium chloride solution)
- UNE-EN ISO 11997-1:2018 - Determination of conditions of resistance to cyclic corrosion of paints and varnishes - Part 1: wet (salt spray)/dry/wet
- UNE-EN 2591-307:2012 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 307: Salt spray

- CEN - European Committee for Standardization, standard on salt spray
- EN ISO 9227:2006 Artificial atmospheric corrosion tests. Salt spray test
- EN ISO 7253:2001 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- EN 2591-307:2012 Aerospace Series. Test methods for photoelectric connecting elements. Part 307: Salt spray

- DS/EN 61701:2012 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- DS/ISO 7253:1987 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- DS/ISO 3768:1980 Metal cladding. Neutral salt spray test
- DS/EN ISO 9227:2012 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray tests
- DS/EN 60068-2-11:2001 Environmental tests-Part 2: Test test Ka: salt spray
- DS/EN IEC 60068-2-11:2021 Environmental tests-Part 2-11: Test test Ka: salt spray
- DS/EN 13523-8:2010 Metal test methods for coatings on coil materials - Part 8: Resistance to salt spray (fog)
- DS/EN 14147:2004 Natural stone test methods - Determination of aging resistance to salt spray
- DS/EN ISO 4611:2011 Plastics. Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, water spray and salt spray
- DS/IEC 68-2-11:1982 Basic environmental test procedure. Part 2: Testing. Test Ka: Salt spray
- DS/EN 60068-2-52:1998 Environmental tests - Part 2: Test tests Kb: Salt spray, circulation (sodium chloride solution)
- DS/EN ISO 11997-1:2006 - Determination of conditions of resistance to cyclic corrosion of paints and varnishes - Part 1: wet (salt spray)/dry/humidity
- DS/EN 4057-301:2006 Aerospace series - Cable ties for wire beams - Test methods - Part 301: Salt spray test
- DS/EN 2591-307:2012 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 307: Salt spray

- EN 61701:1999 Salt spray corrosion tests for photovoltaic (PV) modules

- RS-364-26A-1983 TP-26A salt spray corrosion test for electrical connectors
- 186-5E-1978 Passive electronic components test method; Method 5: Salt Spray (Corrosion)
- EIA-364-26B-1999 TP-26B Electrical connectors salt spray test procedure contacts and sockets
- EIA/ECA-364-26B-1999 TP-26B Electrical connectors Salt spray test procedure contacts and sockets

- UNE-EN 61701:2012 Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- UNE-EN 60068-2-11:2000 Environmental tests-Part 2: Test Test KA: salt spray
- UNE-EN 13523-8:2017 Metal test methods for coatings on coil materials - Part 8: Resistance to salt spray (fog)
- UNE-EN 14147:2004 Natural stone test methods - Determination of aging resistance to salt spray
- UNE-EN ISO 9227:2017 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray tests (ISO 9227:2017)
- UNE-EN ISO 4611:2011 Determination of the effects of exposure of plastics to moisture, heat, water spray and salt spray (ISO 4611:2010)
- UNE-EN 60068-2-52:1997 Environmental tests-Part 2: Test tests-KB: Salt spray, circulation (sodium chloride solution)

- JUS N.A5.750-1990 Basic environmental test procedure. Test KA: Salt spray
- JUS N.A5.751-1990 Basic environmental test procedure. Test KB: Salt spray cycle (sodium chloride solution)

- NP ISO 7253:1999 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray

- TIA/EIA-455-16A-1991 FOTP-16 Salt spray (corrosion) testing of fiber optic elements

- NS 1188-1983 Metal coatings - Acetate spray test - (ASS test)

- SFS 3707-1976 Metal plating. Corrosion catalysis experiment. Salt spray test

- TS 3317-1979 Metal cladding. Neutral salt spray test (NSS test)
- TS 3318-1979 Metal cladding. Copper accelerated acetate spray test (CASS test)
- TS 2093-1975 Basic environmental test procedure for the testing of electronic Devices and electronic equipment Ka: Salt spray

- CSN ISO 9227:1994 Corrosion tests in an artificial atmosphere. Salt spray test
- CSN 18 0072-1984 Basic environmental test procedures. Test card: Salt spray. Invariant condition

- SNI 04-6298-2000 Test of the effect of seawater salt spray corrosion on photovoltaic modules
- SNI 07-0414-1989 Salt spray corrosion test equipment

- LST EN 61701-2012 Salt Spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules (IEC 6171:2011)
- LST EN 13523-8-2010 Metal test methods for coatings on coil materials - Part 8: Resistance to salt spray (fog)
- LST EN 14147-2004 Natural stone test methods - Determination of aging resistance to salt spray
- LST EN ISO 9227:2012 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres Salt spray tests (ISO 9227:2012)
- LST EN 3027-2001 Aerospace series - Dry film lubricants - Test methods - Salt spray test
- LST EN ISO 4611:2011 Determination of the effects of exposure of plastics to moisture, heat, water spray and salt spray (ISO 4611:2010)
- LST EN IEC 60068-2-11:2021 Environmental tests-Part 2-11: Test test Ka: salt spray (IEC 60068-2-11:21)
- LST EN 60068-2-11-2001 Environmental tests-Part 2: Test test Ka: salt spray (IEC 60068-2-11:1981+AC:1999)
- LST EN 4057-301-2006 Aerospace series - Cable ties for wire beams - Test methods - Part 301: Salt spray test
- LST EN 2591-307-2012 Aerospace series - Elements of electrical and optical connection - Test methods - Part 307: Salt spray

- SAE USCAR1-1996 Salt spray test and evaluation of fastener surface treatments
- SAE USCAR1-2005 Salt Spray Test and Evaluation of fastener surface treatments (Revision 1)

- GOST 34388-2018 Test method for corrosion resistance of steel pipes under the influence of salt spray

- IS 8252 Pt.10-1979 Aircraft equipment - Part X salt spray environmental tests
- IS 9000 Pt.11-1983 Basic environmental test procedure for electrical and electronic products - Part XI - Salt spray test
- IS 10236 Pt.6-1982 Basic climatic and durability test procedures for optical instruments - Part VI salt spray test
- IS 9844-1981 Method for testing corrosion resistance of electroplating and anodized alumina coatings by neutral salt spray test

- TCVN 7699-2-11-2007 Environmental test. Part 2-11: Testing. Test Ka: Salt spray
- TCVN 5595-1991 Corrosion protection. Metallic coatings - Accelerated acetate spray test method (ASS test)
- TCVN 7699-2-52-2007 Environmental test. Part 2-52: Testing. Test Ka: Salt spray. Circulation (sodium chloride solution)

- CNS 3627-1995 Environmental test methods (electrical, electronic) - salt spray test
- CNS 12874-1995 Environmental test method (electrical, electronic) - Salt spray (cycle) test
- CNS 8886-2002 salt spray test method

- ONORM EN 3027-1994 Aerospace Series. Test method for dry film lubrication. Salt spray test

- PREN 4437-1997 Aerospace series Test methods for metallic materials Salt spray test (1st edition)
- PREN 3027-1992 Aerospace series Test methods for salt spray test of dry film lubricants (1st Edition)

- UNI 4530-1973 Corrosion of metal materials. Performance test. Rust in acetate spray
- UNI 5890-1966 Corrosion of metallic materials. Performance test. Accelerated corrosion in acetate spray (CASS test)

- NBN-EN 3027-1994 Aerospace Series. Test methods for dry film lubricants. Salt spray test
- NBN C 06-211-1977 Climatic basic tests and mechanical robustness tests. Part 2: Testing, testing Ka: Salt spray

- TIS 2380.2-52-2009 Environmental test. Part 2-52: Tests Kb: Salt spray cycle (sodium chloride solution)
- TIS 285.51-2006 Standard test method for colored paints, varnishes and related materials. Part 51: Salt spray resistance (fog)

- KS D 9502-2009 Test method for neutral salt spray
- KS D 9502-1982 Test method for neutral salt spray
- KS C IEC 61701:2005 salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic modules
- KS D ISO 9227:2005 Corrosion tests for artificial atmospheric salt spray
- KS C IEC 61701.2014 salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic modules
- KS D ISO 9227:2003 Corrosion of artificial atmospheres - salt spray test
- KS D 9502-2020 Neutral, acetic acid and copper accelerated acetate spray
- KS D 9502-2005 Neutral, acetic acid and copper accelerated acetate spray
- KS C IEC 61701-2014(2020) Salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic (PV) modules
- KS M ISO 7253:2007 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- KS M ISO 7253:2012 Coatings and varnishes -- determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
- KS M ISO 4611:2012 Plastics. Determination of dampness-heat, water splash and salt spray effects
- KS C IEC 60068-2-11:2022 Environmental tests - Part 2-11: Test Ka: salt spray
- KS C IEC 60068-2-11-2014(2019) Environmental tests-Part 2: Tests-Test Ka: salt spray
- KS C 0223-1990(2010) Basic environmental test procedure - Test - Test Ka: salt spray
- KS M ISO 4611-2012(2022) Plastics - Determination of the effects of exposure to damp heat, water spray and salt spray
- KS M ISO 4611-2012(2017) Determination of the effects of exposure of plastics to moisture and heat, water and salt spray
- KS C IEC 60068-2-11:2014 Environmental tests. Part 2-11: Tests Ka: salt spray tests
- KS C 0224-1990(2005) Environmental test methods (electroelectronic) Salt spray (cyclic) test method
- KS B ISO 9022-4:2018 Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 4: Salt spray
- KS B ISO 9022-4:2003 Optics and optical instruments. Environmental test methods - Part 4: salt spray
- KS B ISO 9022-4:2013 Optics and optical instruments. Environmental test methods - Part 4: salt spray
- KS C 0424-2010 Electrician. Basic environmental test procedure for electronic products. Salt spray test method
- KS C 0424-1990 Electrician. Basic environmental test procedure for electronic products. Salt spray test method
- KS C IEC 60068-2-52-2010(2015) Environmental tests - Part 2: Tests Kb: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- KS C IEC 60068-2-52:2002 Environmental tests - Part 2-52: Tests Kb: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- KS C IEC 60068-2-52:2021 Environmental tests. Part 2: Testing. Test Kb: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- KS C IEC 60068-2-52:2010 Environmental tests. Part 2-52: Testing. Test Kb: Circulating salt spray (sodium chloride solution)
- KS C IEC 60721-2-5:2003 Classification of Environmental conditions. Part 2: Natural environmental conditions. Section 5: Dust, sand, salt spray
- KS M ISO 11997-1-2011(2016) - Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance conditions for paints and varnishes - Part 1: wet (salt spray)/dry/wet
- KS M ISO 11997-1:2012 - Determination of cyclic corrosion resistance of paints and varnishes - Part 1: wet (salt spray)/dry/wet

- NAVISTAR CEMS GT-30-2015 VOID is resistant to fragmentation and salt spray

- INTERN CEMS GT-30-2009 Resistance to cracking and salt spray

- SH/T 0081-1991 Salt spray test method for anti-rust grease

- HB 7573-1997 Anti-moisture heat, anti-salt spray, anti-mold coating
- HB 5830.12-1986 Environmental conditions and test methods for airborne equipment Salt spray
- HB 6167.12-1989 Environmental conditions and test methods for airborne equipment of civil aircraft Salt spray test
- HB 6783.9-1993 Verification method for Climatic Environment test chamber (chamber) of Military Airborne equipment Salt spray test chamber (chamber)
- HB 6167.12-2014 Environmental conditions and test methods for airborne equipment of civil aircraft - Part 12: salt spray test

- CB 1171.5-1987 Marine equipment environmental measurement methods Salt spray
- CB 1146.12-1996 Guidelines for environmental testing and engineering of Marine equipment Salt spray
- CB 1146.13-1985 Environmental test methods for Marine equipment Test Kb: Alternating salt spray
- CB/T 4393-2014 Technical conditions for salt spray air purifiers for Marine engineering equipment
- CB/T 4389.5-2013 Methods for measuring environmental parameters of Marine equipment - Part 5: Salt spray

- BS EN 3027:1994(2000) Test methods for dry film lubricants Salt spray test
- GJB 150.11-1986 Environmental test methods for military equipment Salt spray test
- BS EN ISO 7253:2001(2002)*BS 900-F12:1997 Color paints and varnishes -- determination of resistance to neutral salt spray (fog)
- BS 3900-F4:1968(2008) Paint test methods Part F4: Resistance to continuous salt spray
- BS AU 148-2:1969(2000) Motor vehicle paints -- Test methods -- Part 2: Resistance to continuous salt spray
- GJB 150.11A-2009 Military equipment laboratory environmental test methods - Part 11: salt spray test

- JB/T 8138.5-1995 Test method for cable accessories. Part 5: Salt spray test
- JB/T 5750-2014 meteorological instruments anti-salt spray, anti-moisture, anti-mold technology requirements
- JB/T 5750-1991 Technical requirements for anti-salt spray, anti-moisture and anti-mold process of meteorological instruments

- SJ 20115.12-1992 Airborne radar environmental conditions and test methods. Salt spray test
- SJ/Z 9001.14-1987 Basic environmental test procedure - Part 2: Various test tests Ka: salt spray

- SC/T 7002.6-1991 Environmental test conditions and methods for Marine electronic equipment Salt spray
- SC/T 7002.6-1992 Environmental test conditions and methods for Marine electronic equipment Salt spray
- SC/T 7002.6-2015 Environmental test conditions and methods for electronic equipment for fishing vessels Salt spray (Ka)
- SC 123-1984 Technical requirements for protection against salt spray, mildew, moisture and heat for electronic equipment of fishing vessels
- SC/T 7002.7-1991 Environmental test conditions and methods for Marine electronic equipment Alternating salt spray

- HY 21.6-1992 Basic environmental test methods for Marine instruments - Guidelines for salt spray tests

- SC/T 7002.7-1992 Environmental test conditions and methods for Marine electronic equipment - Alternating salt spray
- GB 1765-1979 Method for the preparation of paint films for the determination of resistance to heat and moisture, salt spray and weather (artificially accelerated)
- SC/T 7002.7-2023 Environmental test conditions and methods for electronic equipment for fishing vessels - Part 7: Alternating salt spray (Kb)

- DZ 28.13-1984 Geological instrument products Basic environmental test conditions and methods salt spray test
- DZ 0039.15-1992 Basic environmental test conditions and methods for geological instrument products Salt spray test

- JC/T 2661-2022 Accelerated test method for salt spray/dry/wet cycle exposure of building materials and structures

- QB/T 4775-2023 Table: Test method for corrosion resistance of shells and accessories to artificial sweat and salt spray

- SY/T 5230-1991 Basic environmental test methods for petroleum exploration and development instruments Test C: salt spray test

- QJ 495-1986 acetate spray test method
- QJ 2027-1990 Test method for salt spray resistance of metal coatings
- QJ 497-1986 Copper accelerated acetate spray test (CASS test) method
- QJ 1323.2-1987 Test methods for electromagnetic relays Salt spray (corrosion) test
- QJ 990.12-1986 Test methods for coatings -- Test method for salt spray resistance of coatings
- QJ 1184.7-1987 Environmental specifications for coastal defense missiles salt spray test of on-board equipment
- QJ 1238.7-1987 Test methods for cables on missile launch vehicles Salt spray test
- QJ 1177.11-1987 Environmental test methods for surface-to-air and ship-to-air missile weapon systems salt spray test
- QJ 481-1979 Test of wet heat and salt spray corrosion methods for metal plating and chemical treatment layers